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    Coronavirus forces cancellation of MW exams

    In a letter to all MW students, the Institute said that the global challenges brought about by coronavirus have forced it to review and rethink all its activities. As a result, it has cancelled this year’s ‘closed book’ exam, as well as the stage one assessment (S1A). ‘These are not decisions...
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    Off-Licenses and premises selling alcohol added to "essential" list of retailers

    Off-licences have been added to the government's list of essential UK retailers allowed to stay open during the coronavirus pandemic. The list was updated on 25.03.20 amid increasing reports supermarkets are selling out of some beers and wines. A major pub chain has said "almost all" its...
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    Rights of way across vineyards - should they be temporarily closed?

    The NFU has said today that it is working with Defra and Natural England to address its concerns over public rights of way through farm businesses in light of social distancing measures imposed as a result of COVID-19. They have put the following requests to Defra and Natural England: • Improved...
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    NZ News - Covid-19 wine industry update

    The NZ Government has advised that the grape and wine industry may continue to operate during Covid-19 Alert Levels 3 & 4, as essential businesses. This DOES NOT include cellar doors, restaurants etc.
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    Owner of Krug and Yquem to produce hand sanitiser for French hospitals

    LVMH, owner of luxury fashion houses and premium wine brands, is to produce large quantities of hydroalcoholic gels for the French health authorities, to help with the outbreak of COVID-19. For the full article please visit...
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    Merchants get creative as they continue to sell wine during COVID-19 uncertainty

    Wine merchants, retailers and producers on both sides of the Atlantic are pivoting their business models to offer delivery to customers during lockdowns and restrictions on movement brought upon by the global Corona virus pandemic. While many have always offered a delivery service and are...
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    Will import substitution help the UK wine industry in these difficult times?

    We would be really interested to hear your views
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    Business Rate Relief on Cellar Door Facilities?

    Has anyone seen any Government direction on whether there will be business rate relief for vineyards who sell via their Cellar Door
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    Government Financial Support 19.03.20

    The UK government has taken steps to reassure businesses about the potential economic struggles as a result of COVID-19. Part of this was a pledged £30billion package to help businesses affected by the coronavirus. For businesses, the main support mechanisms are: 1. The Government will support...
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    California tasting room closures - 17.03.20

    California tasting room closures Napa Valley Vintners said its board had voted unanimously to back California Governor Gavin Newsom’s ‘recommendation to close wineries’ visitor facing operations, including winery visitor centres and tasting rooms in California’. Newsom’s comments came as US...
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    Cashflow, Insurance and Financial help

    How is everyone coping?
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    ProWein - Cancelled

    Messe Düsseldorf, the organiser of trade show ProWein, has revealed that the event will not take place this year, but will run as scheduled in 2021. The organiser announced at the end of last month that the show, the largest in the wine trade show calendar, was to be postponed due to the...
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    FOR SALE - Plastic vine guards

    10,000 used plastic vine guards (originally purchased in 2017) available for sale. Please contact either myself, or our Vineyard Manager, James Mclean if you are interested in purchasing these. Wiston Estate Winery Tel: +44 (0) 1903 877845 Mob: +44 (0) 7899 792150 Email...
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    UK Budget 2020: Wine duty tax ‘frozen’

    The wine duty tax freeze in the UK Budget for 2020 falls short of industry calls for a tax cut, but means that tax will not rise in-line with inflation. Miles Beale, chief executive of the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA), called the move a victory and said that the wine trade would raise...
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    Viti-Culture 2020 and Coronavirus

    As organisers of Viti-Culture 2020, we recognise the increased uncertainty that coronavirus (COVID-19) may be causing. This situation will remain under review and we will continue to provide regular updates. As you will be aware, the UK risk level for coronavirus has been increased from low to...
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    WSTA Budget submission 2020-21
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    For Sale - 4000 Pinot Gris vines available. Rootstock SO4.

    Clones SMA 514 and SMA 505. These clones are from the Alto Adige region of northern Italy. They have mixed berry sizes within a bunch and make great still wine. I have been growing them in Essex since 2012. Please contact me directly if interested. Duncan McNeill
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    International exhibition of equipment and know-how for vine-wine, olive and fruit & vegetable production EXHIBITION CENTRE MONTPELLIER – FRANCE 30 NOV - 2 DEC 2021 At the heart of crop production THE WORLD’S LARGEST EXHIBITION AROUND THE 3 SECTORS SITEVI 2019 recorded nearly 58,000 entries...

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