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    Redhill Estate Virtual Wine Tasting - Thursday, May 14, Thursday, May 21 and Thursday, May 28.
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    Date Change - Wine Sensory Symposium

    DATE CHANGE:The 1st United Kingdom Wine Sensory Symposium will be 01/02/21.Bringing together industry professionals with leading researchers in modern applied sensory, modern fundamental sensory and consumer sciences. Ticket info will be available soon.
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    1900 Plastic Tubes for sale

    We have around 1,900 (1,500 one use and 400 new) plastic tubes for sale. 10p for used tube, 25p for new. Contact if interested. Camilla Camilla Jennings 07825161685
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    VINES FOR SALE - mix of Pinot Noir 792 and 459, on SO4.

    We have some extra vines that need a home. Approximate 25, and are a mix of Pinot Noir 792 and 459, on SO4. Please contact if interested. Camilla Camilla Jennings 07825161685
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    Viti-Culture 2020 LIVE! FREE cellar door facilities for UK Vineyards!

    Alongside the high level seminars and exhibitor stands, Viti-Culture has created a FREE online cellar door facility for any UK Vineyard to take advantage of. With links to existing shops, or the ability to showcase products and pricing, this facility will remain LIVE until 31st December...
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    Growing Vines under glass

    Are there particular pest or disease problems associated with growing grapes under glass? I have a redundant greenhouse to utilise.........
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    The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Global Wine Industry - 22.04.20 The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Global Wine Industry By Réza Nahaboo, Sommelier and Practical Arts Instructor Since the beginning of the spread of the virus, all industries worldwide have been heavily affected. It has consequently...
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    NYETIMBER Partners with Plumpton College to support the next generation

    Over March, April and May, three students will spend ten days immersed in the Nyetimber business, learning all about its renowned pioneering approach developed over the last thirty years. The students are studying wine production and wine business courses at Plumpton and will spend time with...
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    DISCOVER THE UK’S CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN WINE If you’re passionate about the wine industry, you’ve certainly come to the right place. With the finest facilities and courses available in the UK, you’ll be able to gain all of the knowledge you’ll need to be successful in this highly competitive...
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    Recommendation - Denbies Whitedowns Rosé Originally purchased for a wedding (which has sadly had to be postponed for 12 months due to the current crisis) it became impossible to sit here in self-isolation staring...
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    Licensing & Customs (COVID-19) WSTA

    Licensing & Customs (COVID-19) 20.04.20 Licensing We have identified some scenarios where importers or distributors without a retail licence might be looking for solution to sell their products direct to consumers. If you have premises but don’t have a premises licence you have the option of...
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    Viti-Culture LIVE 2020 - FREE Cellar Door Facilities!

    Viti-Culture LIVE 2020 - 9th July - will host FREE Cellar Door Facilities for Vineyards wishing to sell their wines online both on Show Day AND for some months afterwards. The site will remain live well into the Autumn. Let us know if you would like to participate! Each "Shop" will be able to...
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    France Attempts to Define Natural Wine

    Published 09.04.20 - The new Vin Méthode Nature label formalizes low-intervention winemaking techniques, but is it possible to nail down? Natural Wine has gone official in France. The government has approved a...
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    Did anyone suffer from a frost last night? 15.04.20

    We had quite a severe ground frost here in Weald of Kent last night! Fingers crossed for everyone but please let us know............................
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    Crisis in Chablis: wine hit by frost, drought and now coronavirus

    First Published : In the village of Maligny in the valley of the Serein river at the heart of chablis country, Jean-François Bordet surveys the vineyards his family has owned since...
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    Top online wine courses to try while in self-isolation

    Top online wine courses to try in self-isolation Courtesy of: Burgundy expert in 90 minutes, BIVB As recently reported, the BIVB, Burgundy’s regional wine board, has revamped its online learning resources...
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    Supermarket and off licence sales soar for England's leading winemaker, Chapel Down

    Original article: The Independent. 01.04.20 - UK shoppers turn to English wine after being locked out of pubs Supermarket and off licence sales soar for England's leading winemaker...
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    Living Wage Impact Survey - please respond

    The UK National Living Wage increased to £8.72 per hour from 1st April 2020 and the NFU is conducting some research to assess the impact of this increase on farmer and grower businesses. The information we receive will inform our response to the Low Pay Commission in June 2020. If you employ...
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    Wine analysis from Grape to Glass

    This is an interesting read - came across it by accident..... Analytical testing solutions, involved in the production processes of wine, from the harvesting of grapes to the final bottled end product, encompass a number of varying chromatographic, as well as traditional, techniques. Critical...
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    SA wine industry update: COVID-19 lockdown – South African wine exports permitted

    SA wine industry update: COVID-19 lockdown – South African wine exports permitted by SA Wine Industry | 7 Apr, 2020 | Covid-19 The South African wine industry has received permission to export its products, following intensive lobbying by an Industry Exporters Task Team with Government on the...

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